About the Gestalt Centre

Formed initially as Gestalt Therapy Australia and having built an excellent reputation as a gestalt therapy training, the Gestalt Centre was formed later to create space for the ConnectGround clinic and Relational Skills to develop their own identities, programs, staff and leadership.
The Gestalt Centre has been located in Carlton North, Melbourne since 2019. In 2022 we expanded into an additional training campus in Parkville in 2022. Both venues provide space for training, group work and many graduates locate their psychotherapy practice within these beautiful buildings. The Gestalt Centre is co-located with Lygon Therapy, a consulting space for a variety of mental health professionals.
The Gestalt Centre is staffed by more than 18 people, nearly all of whom are graduates of our program. They support the activity of the centre as faculty, facilitators, and clinicians. Our team is highly experienced with a broad range of professional backgrounds and commitment to relational Gestalt practice.
Our people